
Henry Finch, a talented portrait photographer who finds inspiration from the captivating world of film as well as film themselves, the art of color grading, and the creative possibilities of composite photography. With a deep appreciation for the nostalgic charm of film aesthetics, Henry expertly combines it with his skillful use of color grading to craft visually stunning and emotionally evocative portraits.

Through his expertise in composite photography, he weaves together multiple elements to construct intricate narratives, resulting in captivating and imaginative portraits that leave a lasting impression.

With a genuine passion for capturing the essence of his subjects, Henry's photographs go beyond the ordinary, transporting viewers into a realm where the magic of film nostalgia, the power of color grading, and the artistry of composites converge into extraordinary visual experiences.





SIGMA 28-70mm 2.8

SAMYANG 24mm 1.8

SONY 35mm 1.8

SONY 50mm 1.8

CANON 85mm1.8